Saturday, February 27, 2010

Bon anniversaire my second super hero

Bon anniversaire, 
Bon anniversaire, 
Bon anniversaire cher reez,
Bon anniversaire !

Happy Birthday reez sayang. sorry kakak tak dapat balik celebrate birthday adik. I miss you and I love you so much second super hero.Be a good boy bila dah besar, jangan nakal-nakal.

till then;love you&&you

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

proposal oh proposal

we are going tomorrow!
marilah kawan-kawan kita packing sambil berdangdangdoom lah deyyyy!

*picture will be upload soon yaahhh.

till then;love you&&you

Monday, February 22, 2010


 love them

heart her

love them again

love both of them

sayangg mereka yaaah!

sayanggg diorang bai!

p/s:sorry guys. tak dapat nak bebel-bebel title kali ni. i'm out for study. i have investment management test tomorrow&&wish me luck!

till then;love you&&you

Sunday, February 21, 2010





till then;love you&&you

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Im tired of just being me.I hurt myself again and for the past 4 years.I have gone through the same phase.I ended crying the whole day and my eyes starts puffy again.I want to enter proper adulthood where I can handle pains.
Im begging u LORD,please give me the strength.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Kenapa tak sedap hati je ni?
Ya Allah!jauhkan aku dan keluargaku dari perkara yang tak diingini.


i'm not feeling well.
i need more rest!

till then;love you&&you.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

mon amis

guys!aku tak berapa nak sihat timetime nih.agak rimas yee fever-ish mood nih.tapi i have something untuk bagitahu korg.sepanjang 21 tahun bernafas ni, macammacam jenis kawan yang aku jumpa. yang backstab, yang lupa kwn, friends for benefits, kawan time gelak gulingguling, ya allah!ramai gila.tapi kawan time sedih?sorang pun susah nak dpt!

rchot is the person who loves her friends bagai nak rakk.sebab bagi dia, susah senang dia,dia akan cari kawan selain family lahh kann,of course.tak kiralah time nak makan ke,nak menangis ke, nak pegi class ke, nak pegi shopping ke, nak karok sampai layu punn dia still cari kawan.and alhamdulillah, dia ada kawan yang stay dgn dia time susah senang.syukur sangatsangat.

macam a few minutes ago,tak disangka sangka, one of my childhood friend, yang dulunya main kejarkejar sama sama,tak pernah bercerita pasal hearts feelings, tapi tadi we talked bout hati dan perasaan weyyy. dia bagi theraphy and spirit which i need most timetime sekarang ni. see,we should be thankful sebab ada kawankawan mcm ni people!

a few days ago, ada jugak sorg kawan aku nih, yang patut di gelarkan so-called-BFF, yang aku rasa dia mmg tak reti nak fikir perasaan kawan be truth, i love her as a bestfriend.sebab our circle of friends pun sama, penah pillow talk sama, ber-lagoon sama, tapi lepas apa yang dia buat(which can't be stated here) towards me, aku rasa dia memang tak patut ada truth friends and bye-bye-bye dari aku. tapi siapalah aku nak judge orang macam tu. biarkan lah dia. dalam hati aku hanya terdetik,"takpalah.maybe kau belum pnah rasa kena tinggal dgn bf.and you have no idea macam mana sakitnya break up tuh kann"!

for those yang tak pernah nak appreciate kawan tu &&for you, korang better duduk diam and fikir balik. learn how to appreciate friends, especially girlfriends because at anytime boyfriend comes and go, but GIRLFRIENDS stay!

p/s:thanks to syafiza liyana,sayang kau dohh,rambut ekor kuda.

till then;love you&&you.

the love life

Different human being has different kind of love story. Love life effect your entire self.Some people changed to good things and some may not. There’s no point being egoistic and cold-hearted, because you could’ve made such a nice memories and if you have to fight for your love,than fight for it.
You never know when you’re going to lose a person. What I have learned from my past,its not easy to fall in love and get into relationship.The relationship I had before was the longest I ever had.We grew up from I-have-no-idea what is love to Yes-I-love-you-so-much. We shared lots of things and we have planned ahead for our future.
However,the happiness I had for the years dissolved.One day I was happily in love and the next day I lost him.I didnt mean to blame him for everything but we both made a mistake in our life.It was the hardest part in my life to adapt everything.
After all,Allah has good plan for us.If Allah took our happiness in the relationship,He'll direct us to good things in future.I believed in Qada and Qadar.Allah is fair to hambanya.
I learned alot from my past. I have to get up from my big fall and walk as usual.Although its hard,this is life!&& still,my memories couldnt be erased.

till then;love you&&you

thoughts to live by

be glad of life, because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars; to be satisfied with your possessions; to despise nothing in the world except falsehood and meanness, and to fear nothing except cowardice; to be governed by your admirations rather than by your disgusts; to covert nothing that is your neighbors's except his kindness of heart and gentleness of manners; to think seldom of your enemies, often of your friends.. and to spend as much time as you can, with body and with spirit. these are little guideposts on the footpath to peace - henry van dyke

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

i miss this &&this

i miss this,





till then;love you&&you

Sunday, February 7, 2010

my kind of boy

1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?
    mestilah sedap mata memandang

2. Smart?
    yessss. he must be smarter than me.

3. Preferred age?
    tua dalam 2 years macam tuu.

4. Preferred height?
    taller than me

5. How about sense of humor?
    perlu ada yee.thanks.

6. How about piercings?
    sorry.saya tak suka.lelaki kottt.

7. Accepts you for who you are?
   100% semestinya.

8. Pink hair?

9. Mushy or no? 
    a bit je kott.

10. Thin or fat?
    not too thin, not too fat.

11. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?
      jangan racist lah.any color also cannn.

12. Long hair or short hair?

13. Plastic or metal?

14. Smells good?

15. Smoker?
      Smoke all you want lah. Just don’t ask me to finance your addiction.

16. Drinker?

17. Girl/Boy-next-door type?
      tak perlu saya rasa.

18. Muscular?

19. Plays piano?
      tak kisah.tapi kalau pandai,boleh ajar saya.

20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?
      lagi saya turn on kalau pandai!ngeheee.

21. Plays violin?
      tak berminat.

22. Sings very good?
       tak perlu bagus sangat yee.asal boleh nyanyi.okayy lah tu.

23. Vain?
       a bit only.

24. With glasses? 

25. With braces?
       haaaa.also can.nanti boleh pakai color sama.

26. Shy type?
       rimas lah dengan orang pemalu sangatsangat.

27. Rebel or good boy/girl?
      tak baik tak jahat.haaa!macam mana tu?

28. Active or passive?
      active segalanya!

29. Tight or bomb?
      da bomb?

30. Singer or dancer?
       Dancer. Boleh amuse me with his chicken dance dan moonwalk.

31. Stunner?
      tak perlu.

32. Hiphop?
      kalau tak lagi bagus.

33. Earrings? 
      guys taknak lah pakai earrings.turn off lah saya.

34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-until-you-drop?
      hmm.. not too many lah hopefully.

35. Dimples?
      if saya keep on stare je dekat dia nanti macam mana?better tak payah.

36. Bookworm?
       hahaha… boleh lah. but nowadays it’ll probably be wikiworm

37. Mr/Ms. love letter?
      hahha.. tulis lah. i like accepting one, but not returning to.;)

38. Playful?
      a bit.

39. Flirt?
      Only when it’s with me!titik.

40. Poem writer?
       tak nakk lahh.pening.

41. Serious?
       serious doing serious stuff.

42. Campus crush?
      *evil laugh

43. Painter?
       no need to spend too much to get my house painted kan.

44. Religious?
      Moderation is the key, my love.

45. Someone who likes to tease people?
      tease nice nice lah. bukan yang buat orang annoyed.

46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?
      dua dua saya tak mahuuu!

47. Speaks 20 languages? 
      nak buat apa?? jadi translator?

48. Loyal or faithful? 

49. Good kisser
       wajib!!! kalau tak, belajar lahh weyy. practice makes perfect

50. Loves children??
       mesti!saya boleh cairlahh deyyy.

it's funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!&& i love it.

till then;love you&&you

Saturday, February 6, 2010

nadi hidupku

I never knew I could hurt like this
And everyday life goes on like
"I wish I could talk to you for awhile"
Miss you but I try not to cry
As time goes by
And it's true that you've reached a better place
Still I'd give the world to see your face
And I'm right here next to you
But it's like you're gone too soon
Now the hardest thing to do is say bye bye

Bye Bye by Mariah Carey

I love you Ibu. You know I love you so much.


...I am down! Ya Allah, byk nya benda nak kena fikir. I don't want to explain and drag it here. All I need is prayers and strength. "Dear Allah, please help and guide me all the way through".


p/s: to nia and reez; sorry kakak tak dapat balik. kakak miss both of you guys.sangatsangatsangat!!! next week kakak balik kita ajak ayah mandi swimming pool sama2 kayy.

till then;love you&&you

Thursday, February 4, 2010

mood swing

Grrrrr.geram rasa nak melantun lantun.

i don't know why actually symptom "angin puss puss" nih melanda.I'm so stressed up and it takes just a few seconds to explode! maybe sebab mlaca ni sangatsangat panass lately nih and tons of assignment nak kena settlekan. arghhhhhhhh!!! plus my teeth buat hal lagi. Braces! please larhh tolerate.sakit sakit sakitt! tensi weyyy. habis lah suma orang pun kena tempias sikit. i'm soooo sorry guyss. i know i tak patut nak pegi tempiaskan dekat orang lainn, hish! immature sungguhhh. heyyy rchot. try to manage your stress lahh weyyy. due to this stress stress things, i started to call my ayah, umi, pot pet pot pet with my baby jenjen; najwa and mosh! haaaa. dah start lah rindu orang orang tersayang tuhh. and pluss i'm homesick alreadyyy! i miss my sister and my brother at home. tunggu kakak balik. esok kita jerit2 buat havoc dalam rumah tauuu. 

btw, thanks a lot yaa bubbly babies sbb kita pergi tengok jugak 'adnan sempit' ramai ramai! finally! gelak sampai dah nak putus usus lahh weyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!

p/s: jangan lupa book futsal kita next week and air panas gadek tooo.*weeheeee

till then;love you&&you

Monday, February 1, 2010

tidak pasti

dupp dapp dupp dapp!!
*apalah end up story esok ni?

to amal, lynna and nad;please be ready physical and mental.THANK YOU!

till then;love you&&you.

menoggeng dan tertonggeng

apa lahh dorang nihh,kata nak datang.hampo dennn sampai dah menoggeng tertonggeng tonggeng dahh.
malam ni aku tido sure mengigau jadi tourist guide korangg.

btw, i miss all of you guys;syiqoqo loqo, ijan, kid , ja, epul, && apai